I'll try to keep this simple!
Approximately 4:00 pm at 50#s on 73rd Place, Winfield/Woodside a male white in his mid-twenties, about 5'8", 140 lbs., with blond hair, stole a wallet which included a credit card from an UNLOCKED vehicle. The Asian victim witnessed the incident and confronted the male who then hopped on his scooter and took off.
The victim jumped into his car and followed the perpetrator. In his haste to escape, the perpetrator lost control of the scooter and crashed on 70th Street near 52nd Drive, Maspeth. He took off on foot bleeding profusely in an unknown direction.
I started to receive calls from folks and reached out to Captain Wachter, Commanding Officer at the 104th Precinct, who didn't hear anything come over his police radio. That's because the call went to the 108th Precinct, where the victim lives, which is on a different police radio frequency.
Captain Wachter followed up so we could get the entire story. This is the disposition:
The theft of the wallet is a Grand Larceny because it contained a credit card. The 108th Precinct took a report for that. The 104th Precinct had to take a report for the accident. The license plate(s) on the scooter are stolen and the scooter is not registered.
If anyone recognizes this scooter (see photo) or has any information regarding the individual who has been driving it, please contact the 108th Precinct Squad. All information will be kept confidential.
Please DO NOT leave anything in your vehicle or you could be the next victim.
Thank you 104th and 108th Precincts for your quick response! We're happy that you all work together so well especially since so much happens on our border!!
Roe Daraio, President
Comet Civic Association