(Don't forget about the recycling event at Maspeth Federal this Saturday, 9/30, from 1-4 pm. Paper shredding, electronics recycling, pet adoption, NYPD VIN Etching and a limited amount of catalytic converter stickers.)
COMET Meeting (Agenda below) Time: Monday, October 2nd, 7:00 pm Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82397270382?pwd=ekFTOGVEWmV1b05henZDUUdYdEg2Zz09 Meeting ID: 87208446455 Passcode: 944576 One tap mobile +13092053325,,82397270382#,,,,*294417# US Dial by your location • +1 309 205 3325 US • +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbXMqyX9Tr Agenda:
Good afternoon,
As you may have already heard, yesterday afternoon at approximately 3 pm, a vehicle struck a School Crossing Guard outside of Our Lady of Hope School located at 71 Street and Eliot Avenue, Middle Village. A Black Mercedes SUV was traveling North on 71 Street making a right turn to head East on Eliot Avenue when the motorist struck the Crossing Guard who was safely crossing children. Members of the 104 Precinct were on scene and rendered aid. The Crossing Guard was removed to local hospital with a head injury where she remains in stable condition. The motorist was also removed to the hospital. The incident is being investigated by our Collision Investigation Squad and there were no children injured. The motorist was placed under arrest by the members of the 104 Precinct for DWI. Any questions regarding this incident, please be sure to reach out to the 104th Precinct. Thank you, Police Officer Michael Berish 104th Precinct - Community Affairs Here's what we heard from the senior center. The Chinese version will be posted on WeChat. If you missed the first presentation, hopefully you can make this one. ![]() (Now is the time to bring up any concerns you may have.)
Good evening, Next week on Friday September 22 at 4:30 PM we will be having our Build the Block Meeting at the Rock Church. The address is 57-02 Hoffman Drive. Please attend if you can, we look forward to seeing you there! Respectfully, Police Officer Jeffrey Rocco New York City Police Departmen Your kids will have a great time at Maspeth Federal's carnival this Sunday, 9/17, from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, 56-18 Grand Avenue parking lot.
Music, rides and games! Free admission. |
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Here you will find stories from our latest newsletter as well as interim posts about topics of interest. Archives
August 2024