Richie from Elmhurst heard from his friend in Maspeth: Wanted to tell you that again, this morning, an SUV parked on the corner of 59th Dr and Fresh Pond Rd was broken into last night (or early this morning)- not sure when. The driver side window was smashed and glass all over the street. I don't think the owner of the truck was aware yet because we saw it at 6:30am. I don't know who the truck belongs to either or I would have rang their doorbell to notify them. I think the 104 needs to set up a patrol night watch into the early morning hours when these break-ins occur and then these creeps will be caught, and word will get around so nobody else tries to do the same nonsense. It happens on the same exact streets all the time... there is no excuse why we can't have our area patrolled. These are getting to be out of control now and I'm seriously fed up.