"I called Postal Inspector re sticky substance on mailbox 72 ST & 53 RD, was told they'd contact my local PO.
2 days later I got a call from Maspeth PO thanking me, & saying as it was Saturday they'd have maintenance clean it Monday.
This AM, Tuesday, when I got to the box, the slot had been cleaned."
Someone responded with these helpful tips:
1) Never mail a check or anything with sensitive information through one of those blue mail boxes.
2) Go inside the post office to mail anything sensitive or send it overnight through UPS or FedEx.
3) Pay as many bills directly through your bank or set up an ach through your biller's system. I find Autopay is the safest way to pay Con Ed, National Grid, etc. and I don't have to worry about being late.
4) If you must write checks, get a pen that makes it difficult to "scrub". Most banks will supply you with one.
5) Get direct deposit for all incoming checks.
6) Use systems like Zelle for small payments but make sure you know the person you are "Zelling". Never respond to a stranger claiming to be a vendor demanding a Zelle payment or your routing number and account numbers or gift cards.
7) No, your grandson is not stuck in France with no money or credit card.
Be careful, the scanners are smart. Evil, but smart.