CB 2 - mostly Woodside in our area
CB4 - Elmhurst
CB5 - Maspeth/Middle Village
Hi All:
MTA-NYC Transit’s Queens Bus Network Redesign Team are excited to restart the Queens Bus Network Redesign project with the “New Draft Plan,” a reimagined plan, driven by customer feedback. Given the unprecedented 11,000 comments we received on the first Draft Plan, we decided to withdraw our former proposal and instead restart the initiative by taking a fresh look at the Queens Bus Network through the lens of elected stakeholder and customer comments. To be clear-this is a New Draft Plan—and our approach and outreach will look to build upon the lessons learned from our initial scope back in 2020 and now has the benefit of significant feedback in advance of being published.
Come join us at the first of MANY virtual briefing and workshops where participants will receive a borough-wide overview of the New Draft Plan, discuss our public outreach timeline and process for customer and community input and review a sampling of local and express route proposals. Our outreach process aims to include as many stakeholders as possible and so we strongly encourage you to share with the community organizations within your districts. There will be language accessibility available for Spanish, Mandarin, Bangla and Korean so please share and encourage groups to participate in what will be the start of robust community engagement on our draft proposals. This meeting is primarily for stakeholders in the area including Community Boards, Civic Organizations and other community centered groups. We will have a ongoing engagement for customers and ask that this invitation only be shared with other civics, block associations as we will be unveiling our outreach to everyone shortly!
The briefing will be held:
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM over Zoom (click below to RSVP)
With the New Draft Plan, we are restarting our public outreach process from the beginning, with the goal of giving all Queens bus customers and elected offices an opportunity to see the plan and provide feedback. Please click here to fill out the RSVP form, it asks you to list information such as your organization and if there are any language or ASL accommodations required. Once you hit the submit button, the Zoom link information will be on the next page, please copy it down for your records to access the meeting. We appreciate getting the opportunity to start fresh with Queens customers and stakeholders and look forward to your participation in this upcoming process.
Lucille Songhai