"Based on further conversations with the geotechnical engineer and DEP (Dept. of Environmental Protection) since our meeting Thursday night, our construction team decided to take a more proactive approach to try to prevent and identify further sinkholes. We plan to excavate 70th Street approximately 100 feet at a time and do additional probing of the soil, having the contractor address any voids they find.
Work may start as soon as Tuesday morning, with no parking signs going up tomorrow. We can provide a further update tomorrow once everything is confirmed. We will also encourage Pauline to go door-to-door to reach as many residents as possible along with her regular outreach.
We recognize that this work may be very impactful for the community, but feel it is important to address this issue now to put everyone at ease about the condition of the roadway."
Note from COMET: This will be an inconvenience for those of us who live on the block, but in the long run it's best to do the job right rather than have issues after the work is completed. Pauline's contact info is at the bottom of the notification(s) that you will be receiving.