I'll briefly explain what an NCO Officer is for those of you not familiar with the term. Neighborhood Coordination Officers (NCOs) are police officers from your precinct who are assigned to a specific area/community. All the communities in the 108th Precinct will be covered by this program. The officers will be able to assist you with many quality of life problems in your area. There's much more to the program so I urge you to attend and get the opportunity to meet your officers and find out all the aspects of this program.
Elmhurst/Corona folks in the 110th Precinct already have this program and it will be coming to the 104th Precinct shortly.
Roe Daraio, President
COMET Civic Association
Message from the 108th Precinct Community Affairs
Good Afternoon All
On Monday October 1
The 108 Precinct will be hosting it's NCO Orientation Meeting at the Sunnyside Community Center at 43-31 39 Street @ 6:30 pm.The same location we hold our monthly Community Council meeting.
This meeting is to give the community an insight what to expect with the NCO program and to become familiar with our NCO Officers.
Chief of Patrol Rodney Harrison and PBQN Chief Juanita Holmes are expected to attend.
Food will be served
All are welcomed to attend
Any questions please feel free to ask
PHONE: 718-784-5420
FAX: 718-784-5426
[email protected]