Hope you can attend tomorrow's meeting!!
Hi Roe,
Not to alarm you or the neighborhood but we have experienced an uptick in Grand Larcenies with the warmer weather, specifically with unattended property removed from automobiles. Yesterday a locked car was broken into at the corner of 55 Street and Grand Avenue and property removed. The common thread I am noticing with these crimes is that valuables are being left inside of these cars. These items invariably include personal jewelry/wristwatches, GPS devices, bluetooth headsets, sets of other keys, i.e. to a second vehicle, and debit/credit cards.
The GPS, even if stored in a compartment, is easily identifiable to a thief by either the adapter wires/charger left on the console, and the "rings" left on the inside of the windshield glass by the suction cups. Credit and debit cards are commonly being left inside vehicles as well, as evident in most of our crime reports involving vehicle break-ins. Once the credit/debit card is appropriated, the offense automatically becomes a felony (grand larceny), and until the victim becomes aware of the theft and places a stop on the transactions, the thief can make numerous charges on these cards.
Please send this crime alert out to the neighborhood; the best defense against being a victim of this type of crime is to never leave any valuables (particularly the ones mentioned above) stored inside your car, in plain view or in compartments (even trunks) at any time while parked and unattended.
Be safe,
Capt Mac