The good news is that some folks in Maspeth are doing their "homework" and looking out their windows. The bad news is that DI Cody, 104th Precinct, said that Maspeth is up six burglaries this year compared to last year, which means more folks need to keep their eyes pealed! We'll hear how Elmhurst and Winfield residents did at our meeting on Monday when we hear the statistics from the 108th and 110th Precincts!
At approximately 3:30 am today, a 66th Street Maspeth resident called 911 to report two trespassers in the vicinity of 66th Street/53rd Avenue. PO Hopson and her partner responded. Two perpetrators were apprehended as they were attempting to burglarize a residence on the block. The male who was arrested has a criminal record and is a resident of the 115th Precinct. The female, who was with him, is a resident of the 110th Precinct in Elmhurst. What everyone needs to know is that the individual who called 911 for this incident had called 911 on a previous occasion to report trespassers on a building site, but they escaped. This is one resident who is really looking out for the community!
Also, this afternoon, 104th Precinct Crime officers apprehended a female driving a stolen Mercedes in the vicinity of Grand Avenue/74th Street. The vehicle was not stolen from the 104th. Great job by the 104th!
We're not used to hearing about female burglars or car thieves, but they are out there!
Keep in mind that several recent arrests were as a result of someone calling 911.
Please don't hesitate to call 911 if anyone's behavior looks suspicious!
Roe Daraio, President
Comet Civic Association