I have extra patrols in area and have to coordinate with Detectives in hopes of catching those responsible.
Here are locations of Burglaries:
83 Place off 63 Avenue 5/10/12 from 0100-0700 hrs
77 Place off Juniper Valley Road: 5/10/12 from 0130-0630 hrs.
62 Avenue off 83 Street-this morning about 0100 Hours
I plan to have the Command Post in conspicuous area as well as Plainclothes units as well-as always will keep you posted and ask all to immediately dial 911 if any suspicious behavior is observed.
I'm on Vacation this week but in contact with Captain Travaglia and my staff evaluating this condition and will keep all advised.
All the best
Captain Michael Cody
Commanding Officer
104th Precinct