We didn't find out until just before our meeting, that there were five burglaries in Elmhurst in close proximity to each other. Two of the burglaries were in one house, different apartments. The 110th Precinct was unable to attend our meeting last night so we couldn't get any further information.
- 2/8 - 4:00 pm, 85 #s/54th Avenue, upstairs resident spotted two males going in or leaving through the rear basement. Witness was not able to provide descriptions.
- 2/8 - 10:00 am - 9:00 pm - residential burglary at 86 #s/53rd Avenue. The burglary occurred while victim was at work. Entry was made through the front door which had a steel plate, most likely with a pry bar. Cash and jewelry stolen.
- 2/11 - 8:00 am - 4:00 pm, 85 "s/54th Avenue, entry was made through the rear. A Cannon road bike and Mac book computer was stolen.
- 2/26 - 3:00 pm - 10:00 pm, 86 #s/55th Avenue, entry through the rear. Cash and jewelry stolen. Two apartments hit at this location.
Roe Daraio, President
COMET Civic Association