ALERT #1 Keep your eyes out for a burglar matching the following description: Male black, about 40 to 45 years old, approximately 6' to 6'2" tall, very thin about 180 lbs. He was last seen wearing a black North Face jacket and work boots. He was seen pushing a regular shopping cart (not the one from the supermarkets). He was caught on a surveilance camera doing a burglary in the confines of the 110th Precinct and is a suspect in multiple residential burglaries in Elmhurst near the Woodside border. At our Comet meeting tonight, one woman stated she believes she saw him near the driveways of residential homes on 57th Avenue near PS 58/Mazeau Street. Another woman claims to have seen him towards west Maspeth. If anyone sees an individual matching this description CALL 911. Tell the operator that "this individual matches the description of a person wanted for multiple burglaries in the 110th Precinct". It doesn't matter what precinct you live in - just call. The responding precinct will reach out to the 110th detectives. You will not get in trouble if you are mistaken.
ALERT #2 Elmhurst residents, there have been quite a few car breakins in the area bounded by Queens Boulevard to approx. 80th Street between Grand Avenue and 58th Avenue. The perpetrator(s) are breaking car windows and stealing items. If you hear glass breaking, look out your window, try to get a description and call 911 immediately! Alert #3 We continue to have a problem with cars being stolen in our area. We are currently working with the precincts to set up a couple of events where folks can sign up for car theft prevention programs which may also give you a discount on your auto theft insurance. I'll let you know when/where the events will be. Crime Stats - I'm not listing cars that were broken into and GPS's stolen, etc. Everyone should know better than to leave valuables in cars. I'm also not going through all the crime statistics, but here's what I think you should be aware of.
104th Precinct burglaries - residential home on 58th Avenue/69th Street, about 9:00 am, entered through rear of home; 60th/Flushing Avenue, tools were stolen from a commercial vehicle; 60th/Flushing Avenue a business was broken into and money stolen; 51st/69th Place, residential home and perpetrator entered thru rear window; 48th/Maspeth Avenue commercial business.
104th Precinct car thefts - 53rd/63rd Street; 53rd Drive/62nd Street.
108th Precinct robbery - 70th Street/Queens Blvd a person was robbed. 108th anti-crime witnessed the incident and made arrest.
108th Precint burglaries - residential home on 59th Place/48th Avenue; residential home at 66th Street/Laurel Hill Blvd.; business on 72nd Street/51st Avenue.
108th Precinct car thefts - 2 autos stolen on 61st/50th Avenue; 66th Street/49th Avenue.
110th Precinct robberies - Grand Avenue/Van Kleeck; Grand Avenue/82nd Street.
110th Precinct burglaries - Commercial business at Queens Blvd/Ireland Street; residential door kicked in on Queens Blvd/Dongan; front window of residential home on 70th/Elks Road.
110th Precinct car thefts - Hoffman Drive/Queens Blvd; 57th/Seabury Street; Van Kleeck/Grand Avenue; 79th/Calamus Avenue; Van Loon/Queens Blvd.