Our April COMET meeting will be held this Monday, April 3rd, at St. Adalbert Parish Center, 52-40 84th Street, lower level, at 7:00 pm.
We have a lot to cover so I'm attaching the agenda FYI.
Hope to see you all on the 3rd.
Roe Daraio, President
COMET Civic Association
- Mention of upcoming events in Maspeth including Earth Day with 104th and 108th Precincts.
- West Maspeth traffic calming
- Possibility of DOT Queens Deputy Commissioner attending our May meeting
104th Precinct –
- Introduce Captain Mastronardi
- Crime stats, number of summonses to school buses parked illegally by PS229, any unusuals
- Holiday Inn Homeless Shelter – number of homeless, any incidents
- Any delays in 911 response time to Maspeth as a result of bridge replacement?
108th Precinct –
- Crime stats, any unusuals
- Metro Motel Homeless Shelter, number of homeless, any incidents
- Zombie houses – any more arrests – 67-21 and 67-27 48th Avenue; 48-03 72nd Street; 40-40 69th Street?
- Body shop in 108th storing school buses in confines of 104th and 110th Precincts.
- Calamus Avenue issues
110th Precinct –
- Crime Stats, any unusuals
- Pan Am Homeless Shelter – number of homeless, any incidents
- Zombie houses – 85-18 57th Road; 82-11 and 84-18 Grand Avenue; 1 Claremont Terrace
- Number of summonses issued to illegally parked school buses in vicinity of 51st Avenue as well as PS 7
Council Member Crowley’s office –
- Update on Calamus Avenue sewer debacle
Council Member Dromm’s office –
- Any update regarding 55th Avenue water main “opt in”?
- Any news about “short sale” of 85-44 54th Avenue?
- Any word from SCA about Claremont Terrace?
- Any update regarding “hoarder” on 57th Avenue?
- Tree survey – need volunteers
Assemblyman DenDekker’s office –
- Outcome of our walking tour at LIRR overpass on 70th Street/48th Avenue
Senator Addabbo and Assemblyman Barnwell’s reps will give us updates
Other business
- Jo Ann Berger – update on her conversation with Priscilla Walton about proposed Charter School in Elmhurst. We need to take a vote.