We have an important pre-winter NYPD Public Safety briefing planned for our December monthly meeting. Please feel free to spread the word to your networks and community members.
Borough President Donovan Richards' Queens Civic Engagement Committee Monthly Meeting
Date: Thursday, December 21st, 2023
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Remote on Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 1070 5944
Passcode: 525399
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Meeting Agenda:
* Our December monthly meeting will be a pre-winter Public Safety briefing. We will be joined by NYPD Leadership from both Patrol Borough Queens North and South. The NYPD representatives will give us updates on public safety throughout the borough and what to look out for as we enter the new year.
* After the presentation we will open it up for a Q&A dialogue. I strongly encourage folks to come prepared with specific and concise questions or concerns that you would like to raise to the NYPD so they can follow up.
* Feel free to share our December meeting information with any community members who would be interested in hearing from the NYPD or have public safety concerns they would like to raise at this meeting.
The full meeting agenda will be sent later next week.
I look forward to seeing you on December 21st.