For residents living in the vicinity of Calamus Avenue it comes as good news that Council Member Crowley spoke to the Department of Sanitation and stressed the necessity of suspending the alternate side parking regulations along 51st Avenue during the course of the sewer reconstruction. These regulations will be suspended beginning today, March 29th until October 1st. See the attached letter.
The good news is that this suspension will open up much needed parking for the residents. However, I just want to remind folks that this might be an opportunity for businesses in the area to take advantage of the situation. I have reached out to the 108th Precinct and asked them to monitor this strip and and summons illegally parked school buses, tractor trailers or vehicles parked with no license plates that might take up parking spaces.
If you observe a problem with illegal parking along 51st Avenue, Captain Forgione wants you to contact me and I'll reach out to his summons officer.
Roe Daraio, President
COMET Civic Association