Received a call from Carolina Gill at Assembly Member Marge Markey's office to let me know they have been receiving complaints of youth hanging out at the abandoned house at 52-29 84th Street and had followed up with the Department of Buildings. (For those of you not familiar with the location, it's adjacent to the railroad tracks and across the street from St. Adalbert. The story is in our spring newsletter. If you don't get a newsletter, you can view it online.)
Carolina said that she was informed by the Department of Buildings that a court order to seal the building was approved on March 26th. On March 27th, the order was forwarded to Housing Preservation & Development (HPD) who now has to hire a contractor to do the work.
We also heard from Michael Mallon at Council Member Dromm's office to say that he also followed up. I asked him to try and find out how long it will take to hire a contractor. Hopefully it doesn't take several months.
If you drive by the location and see trespassers, please call 911. This is an unsafe building and we don't want anyone to get hurt!! If you have to walk past this location, cross the street - you don't know if any predators are lurking inside!!
Thank you to Assembly Member Markey and Council Member Dromm's staff members for following up on this important issue.
Roe Daraio, President
Comet Civic Association