I just heard from a Maspeth resident who told me about two incidents in the vicinity of her home. This area is where the 104th Precinct has identified a burglary pattern!
- 54 #s/64th Street - At 5:30 am this morning, Tuesday 12/16, a neighbor got up to get ready for work. He looked out his window and saw a young male in his yard. He ran downstairs but the perpetrator fled. He told the neighbor who reported this to us that he DID report the incident to the 104th Precinct. I immediately contacted Captain Mason because this incident would not be considered a burglary, but rather trespass. I'm sure Captain Manson will look at the report for any pertinent information such as a description of the perpetrator, etc. and pass it on to his officers.
- 64 #s/55th Avenue - A couple of days ago a homeowner noticed that his gate was open. He said that this was highly unusual because the gate is never left open and it wasn't windy. This wasn't reported to the 104th Precinct because nothing actually happened. He did alert neighbors since he lives in the area where the burglaries are occurring and he lives right around the corner from today's incident.
By reporting incidents, the police have a better idea of where and what time crime is occurring and can direct manpower where it's most needed. Captain Manson said today's trespassing information will be helpful to them.
Please stay alert and let the police and Comet know if anything is going on!!
Roe Daraio, President
Comet Civic Association